We are thankful for the wonderful financial support we receive from our community partners. Without their financial support we would have to raise our registration fees.
On behalf of the LTBBL board of directors and all of our players and families - Thank You
Individual League Sponsor
Lenders Recovery Sales and Service
Lenders Recovery Auto Sales

More than a Phone

Repro Graphix

Platinum Level Sponsor
Dicks Sporting Goods

Powers & Sons Construction
R.E. Dimond
Sherwin Williams
Gold Level Sponsor
Ortho Indy
Silver Level Sponsors
Avis Car Rental
CAPTRUST Wealth Advisors (Jeffrey Yu CPA, CFP)
Gould Solenoid Valves
Hallmark Mortgage (Bill Clouse, mortgage advisor)
Link Print & Promo
Mark Leyden and Associates
Merchants Bank of Indiana
Moyer Fine Jewelers
The National Bank of Indianapolis
Powless Law Firm
Shamrock Builders
Shepherd Insurance (Bruce Klineman agent)
The National Bank of Indianapolis
Tinsley Realty (Frank Tinsley R.E. agent)
Bronze Level Sponsors